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SAISUTHE NOVELS EBOOK - CLICK BELOW links TO DOWNLOAD KANNADA NOVELS in pdf Format. Kannada novels by SAISUTHE. Saisuthe has 39 books on Goodreads with 1749 ratings. She is prominent among the popular kannada novel writers. She was able to effectively capture the problems and passions of women in her writings.
A nupam a Niranj ana (1934 -1991) s tands i n the forefr ont of pro-dev elop m ent literary pers onal ities. S he was the wife of Niranjana who wa s als o a renowned writer. She is prom inent among the popular kannada novel writ ers.
She was able to eff ectiv ely capture t he problem s an d pas sions of women in her writings. She born in Theerthahalli and her birth name w as V enkatalakshmi. Being M BBS gr aduate she w as do ctor by professi on. During her medi cal studentship, s he s tart ed writing with her pen name Anupama. Her first published s tory book was Kanm ani in 1952. A s a m edical do ctor she has dis charged he r duties in D harwa d and Bangal ore. She has bee n able to effect ively write her ex pericnces in career.
9 story compos itions, 22 novels and many more b ooks are her contribut ions to kannada literary world. Her very popular and widely discus sed nov els are Ghosha, Kolache kom pey a daaniga lu, A la, Ele, Noolu ne y da chitra, shvetaambari, Snehapallavi,Seve, Odalu, Madhavi etc., Her novel Runa was made a movie by name RunamukataLu (direct ed by Put tanna Kanagal). Nenapu s ihi s ihi is her autobiography. For her book A rogy a dars hana, Sahity a academ y has conferred special scientific book award. Also s he has got Rajyot sava award, Sov iet Land nehru Award, Nanjangud Tirumalam ba award. She was activ e in m ov em ents for women liberation and s he chaired Kasargod M ahila Sam mel an during 1977. She was the chairperson of M um bai Kannada Sahity a Samm elan held in 1979.
Though she was suffering fr om C ancer, she w as courageous about life and continued her writ ing and was a guiding s pirit and role model for all. He born in the year 1938 in a v illage called Ghoatageri in Belgaum Dis tric t. Kambara is well known as a laureate in folk art s. M oreov er he i s a poet, nov elis t, stage-show director, Film D irect or and mus ician. But his contr ibution to the field of Folk arts is comm endable. He has worked as L ectur er in Chicago Uni v ersity of A merica for som e time by securing Fulbright fellowship i n the y ear 1968.
He has pres ented v aluable res earch papers in the sympos ium s held i n Chicago and Indian Univer sities. Kambarta's prime base is Folklore and this can be seen in his book 'HELA TENA KELA.' His collection of poems are Sav irada Neralu, Helatena kela,Belli m enu. His nov els are Karimaayi, S ingarev v a m att u aramane, GK Mastarara praNav a pras anga. A s a s tage-play writer he has enriched this field of literatur e by writing A ngi myalangi, Harakey a kuri, Jais iddha N aika, Nay ikathe, Kadukudure, S irisam pige, Pushp arani, Thukr ana kanas u etc., Chakori is great work in poetry.
It is his contr ibution to folk lore wherein he has giv en the touch of poetry through his literal creations. He has instilled s ome thought int o this as pect. He has the comm and ov er the language which he uses in writing and it is the main in gredient of his writing skill. In addition to t his he has writt en Nam ma Janapada, Utt arakannada Rangabhoom i, Sangy a Baly a (alongwith Keerthinath Kurthakot i), Kannada N ataka s amputa, Kannada Janapada vishvak osha, M ataadu Lingave, and man y more literary books.
A ls o he was fas cinated by Film i ndus try and m us ic. He directed Karim aayi, Kaadukud ure (For t he s ong Kadu kudure Odi banditta sung by S him oga s ubbanna, National award was conferr ed) and Sangeetha, and has been awarded by many recognitions. A part fr om Bendre, he is the only person to hav e nurtured folk language in hi s writing and he s tands apart from other writers. He also had worked as Chancellor of Kannada Univer sity. Patil is a multi-faceted personality having versatility in poems, stage-plays, literary work, cultural activities, apart from his creativity as an Actor and publisher. He has involved himself actively in various revolutionary activities and social establishments such as Karnataka Writers and Artiste's organization, JP Revolution, Bandaya activity, Gokak movement and such o ther dev elopm ent oriented movements and activ ities.
He s tepped into Kannada literar y world with his compos ition of poems nam ed Banuli. Thereaf ter he wrote M adhy abindu, Hattombatt u kavnagaLu, O enna dEs habandhavar e, (1977) Hoove Hannu tare (1982) A rdhasaty ada hu dugi (1989) Gundamm ana Hadu (1998) Shalm ala nanna Shalm ala (1994) which have become ver y popular in the poetic field of literature.
Appa, Tingara Buddanna, Kunta Kunta Kuravatti, KodegaLu are the stage plays which were widely accepted by the public. His street play s nam ed Jagadamb e Beedi Nataka, Nalakav iy a mas takabhisheka, Buradi babana lakshaapaharana prasanga have become popar. One more stage play G okarnada Gowdasani was play ed by drama com panies. His other literary works include Sankramanakavya 1964) Gandhi Gandhi Gandhi (1977) June, 75, March 77, Sankramana kavya sanchaya (1993) Bandaya m att u s ahity a (1979) Sahity a Srus hti Sahity a vimars he (1992) Pragat is heela-Dalita- Banday a(1993), Samakaaleena s aam skrutika charc hegalu (1994) Nels on M andela (1981) Kannada Nadi gondu pradeshika paksha(1987). He has been publis hing 'Sankramana' a m agaz ine known for Kannada literary works s ince last 30 years. I t is a pl atf orm for leftist ideologies and it has been popular am ong backward class es and dow ntrodden. Critical rev iews of v arious literary works are done through this m agaz ine.
During em ergency im posed by Smt.I ndira Gandhi, Pat il was the only person from literary world who opp osed it and jailed. He has recorded his exper ience in the book ' 26 dina 25 raatri'.
His e ditorial write- ups and s peeches alw ay s oppo se the v ested interests. With a sens e of humour he a lway s s peaks directly without hesitation and without compromis ing with any body.
M ost of the times his sens e of laughter comes to for efront and the mai n object remains in guis e. 'W here there is lov e, ther e is quarrel' is h is policy in life. His charact eristic literary works can be s een in Bendre-Nanu kandante naanu kandas htu, P alegara Lankes ha, Nanu kandante, naanu kandashtu.
One can observe his ow n way of t hinking on an y literary ev ent and happenings around him in public life. He has served as President of Kannada D ev elopm ent A uthorit y. Udupi Raj agopalachary a A nanthamurthy ( born Decembe r 21, 1932) is a s ignificant K annada writer who is als o a well known thinker of our t ime s. He is one am ong the torc h bearers of Modern K annada literature. He hails from M elige of Thirt hahalli taluk in Shimoga di strict. He comple ted his higher s tudies in Britain and was a m eritorious student during his school time.
He started his career as English professor in My sore Univer sity and later he ext ensi v ely t rav elled w orld over and was a profess or in many univ ersities ab road. He has worked as V iceChancellor of Mahat ma Gandhi University of Kott ay am in Kerala, Chairm an of National Book Trust of India, President of Kendra Sahity a Ac ademy, Chairman of Film and Telev isio n Institute of India. T hus he has worked in a num ber of high prof ile ins tit utions and his work perf ormance is praised al l ov er. S ome of honors confer red on him i nclude Jnanapeetha award, Padmabhos hana, Rajyot sava award, M asti Award. His s tory compos itions i nclude Endendu m ugiy ada kathe, M ouni, Prashne, C lip j oint, Ghat ashraaddha, A kasha ma tt u bekku.
A ll his storie s are com pile d in one big ed ition nam ed as Storie s of 5 decades. His novels i nclude Sam ska ara, Bharatipura, A v as the, Bhav a and Divy a. His Boo k Sams kara was trans lated not only to v arious Indian lan guage s bu t also to ma ny other foreign languages tool.Sams kaara was picturised and it was a pioneering vent ure film in the new wave f ilm s.
His poem books are 15 padyagaLu, mithuna, A jjana hegal a s ukkugaLu. His other thought prov oking books include Prajne m att u.